Updated: Best and Worst Airlines for Peanut and Nut Allergies

Best and Worst Airlines for Peanut and Nut Allergies


Updated June 2024 with Emirates nut incident.

Some airlines are better than others when it comes to peanut and nut allergies. These allergies are some of the most prevalent of all allergies, and in general I'm very sympathetic to allergy sufferers, given that in my family there's a life threatening bee sting allergy that we carry an Epi-pen for, plus severe dog and cat allergies that mean we always stay at a hotel when visiting family or friends who have a dog or cat.

The difference between airlines (even in First Class) and luxury hotels couldn't be more different, when it comes to allergies. All the hotels I work with are keen to know any allergies my clients have, as well as food restrictions and preferences. The best among them keep a record of these in the guest profile, so as to avoid any issues with future stays at that hotel or even at other hotels in that brand. Airlines, on the other hand, where an allergy situation can be so much more serious due to the very confined space, rarely even offer a peanut-free or nut-free meal among their special order meals, and many won't make a general announcement to all passengers asking them to refrain from eating any peanut products they may have brought with them.

There have been various articles relating how passengers were kicked off an American Airlines flight just for informing the crew of the kids' severe nut allergies, even though they had come prepared with their own food and medicine. American Airlines is facing DoT complaints accusing the airline of discriminating against allergy sufferers, since American Airlines has an explicit policy denying pre-boarding to people with allergies (not allowing them to preboard to wipe down their seating area to get rid of peanut and nut residue) while not singling out any other group.

A number of airlines are completely silent on the topic of allergies, but of major carriers that our clients fly, here are the best and worst airlines for peanut and nut allergies. If flying a U.S. airline, Delta and JetBlue are better than United; avoid flying with American Airlines, Alaska, and Hawaiian.

Best Airlines for Peanut Allergies

1. Japan Airlines

  • JAL has eliminated peanuts and products including peanuts from all in-flight meals (both international and domestic flights), and also eliminated peanuts from the food and drink menu that is offered at JAL-operated domestic and overseas lounges.
  • JAL also offers wholly peanut-free meals; contact JAL directly to request (American Airlines and other oneworld partners aren't able to add the appropriate meal code, only JAL can do so)
  • JAL can't, however, guarantee a completely peanut-free environment due to the risk of cross contamination during the manufacturing process, and the fact that other passengers may bring peanuts with them.
  • Contact JAL at least two weeks prior to the flight date to request special cleaning around the flight (note that this is for peanuts only, not for all nut allergies)


2. ANA

  • ANA now provides two types of allergen free meals for its international flights
  • The 7 allergen-free meal does not contain wheat, buckwheat, dairy products, eggs, peanuts, shrimp and crab
  • The 21 allergen-free meal does not contain the above 7 allergens or abalone, squid, salmon roe, orange, kiwi fruit, beef, walnut, salmon, mackerel, soybean, poultry, banana, pork, matsutake mushroom, peach, yam, apple, gelatin, sesame, cashew nuts or almond
  • Reserve these by calling ANA after reserving your flight; typically at least 48 hours advance notice is required.
  • As with other airlines, ANA cannot guarantee a peanut-free or nut-free flight, but as with JAL, ANA will provide a special seat cleaning service if requested at least 96 hours before the flight.


3. Delta Airlines

  • After notifying Delta that you have a peanut allergy, Delta will refrain from serving peanuts and peanut products onboard your flight
  • Delta will also advise catering to board additional non-peanut snacks, which will allow cabin crew to serve these snacks to passengers
  • Gate agents will be notified in case you'd like to pre-board and cleanse the immediate sating area
  • Delta still cannot guarantee that the flight will be completely peanut-free
  • Although not specified, I'd recommend notifying Delta when booking your flight and no later than 48 hours before your flight of your peanut allergy, so non-peanut snacks can be organized for your flight. Go to My Trips to complete the Accessibility Service Request Form (there's a check box if you have a peanut allergy) or call 404-209-3434


4. JetBlue Airlines

  • JetBlue does not serve peanuts but does serve snack products containing tree nuts, and cannot guarantee that the aircraft or snacks will be 100% free of peanuts or their derivatives
  • Please inform the head inflight crewmember upon boarding of your severe nut allergy. Upon request, a crew member will create a buffer zone one row in front and one row behind the allergic person. Crew will ask customers seated in the buffer zone to refrain from consuming any nut containing products they have brought onboard and will not serve any nut containing products to these rows.
  • On a recent JetBlue Mint flight, my clients, one of whom has a nut allergy, were helpfully given the ingredients list of all the dishes served in JetBlue Mint by the flight crew, who was also happy to leave off an allergy-containing garnish.
  • JetBlue will offer a full refund to customers for whom these conditions make it impossible to travel


5. Air France

  • Air France is one of the few airlines that can provide an allergen-free special meal for certain flights within Europe and on all intercontinental flights
  • The meal “does not contain the following products or their derivatives: grains containing gluten, shellfish, eggs, fish, peanuts, soy, milk, nuts (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts), celery, mustard, sesame seeds, sulfur dioxide and sulfites in a concentration exceeding 10 mg/kg, lupin and mollusks. If you are allergic to a product not mentioned above, please bring a cold meal with you for your flight.”
  • The meal should be requested at least 24 hours before your flight (we recommend reserving it as far in advance as possible)


6. Air Canada

  • Air Canada no longer carries bar snacks containing peanuts, but cannot provide a special meal that is nut or peanut-free, and cannot prevent other passengers bringing their own snacks containing peanuts or tree nuts
  • Air Canada does not allow a child who is severely allergic to peanuts to travel as an unaccompanied minor
  • If you have a severe allergy to peanuts or nuts you may request a buffer zone to be set up around your seat to help avoid the risk of exposure.
  • Only the customers seated within the buffer zone will be informed that they must not consume nut or peanut products. They will not be offered any Air Canada snacks containing nuts.
  • There will NOT be a general announcement to all customers about the existence of a buffer zone or about the customer with severe nut or peanut allergies.
  • To request the buffer zone, you must contact the Air Canada Medical Assistance Desk (1-800-667-4732) at least 48 hours before your flight.


7. Southwest Airlines

  • Southwest does not serve peanuts on its flights, although notes that its pretzel and other snacks may be packaged in the same facility as peanuts, so there's no guarantee these snacks are completely free of peanut particles or peanut oil
  • As always there's the risk that other passengers may bring their own peanuts or nuts on board
  • As with other U.S. airlines, passengers with peanut or nut allergies are considered to have a disability and may preboard to wipe down their seat and tray table.


8. Singapore Airlines

  • Nut-free special meal is available that does not contain peanuts and tree nuts (including almonds, Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, walnuts, pecans, macadamias and their derivatives). You must request a nut-free meal at least 48 hours before departure.
  • Singapore Airlines does not serve peanuts as snacks to Economy Class passengers (as of April 2018) BUT meals with peanuts and/or other nuts ARE served in other classes of service. For example, Singapore Airlines' Book the Cook Meal Pre-Order selections out of Singapore include Chicken and Lamb Satay, which contains a spicy peanut sauce.
  • Singapore Airlines cannot provide a nut-free cabin or guarantee an allergy-free environment on board as other passengers may be served meals containing nuts and may bring their own snacks containing nuts on board.

9. Swiss Airlines

  • SWISS bills itself as the first “allergy-friendly” airline, but it does NOT offer a nut-free meal
  • Swiss Airlines does not serve peanuts on board but is unable to provide meals without any trace of peanuts
  • Passengers with serious nut allergies should bring their own food that does not require chilling or heating on board
  • Swiss requests all passengers NOT to bring peanuts on board with them.
  • Cabin crew are trained to respond to an allergic emergency


10. British Airways

  • Nuts (although not peanuts) are served on board, and meals may be produced at a facility that handles peanuts; therefore British Airways is unable to offer a peanut-free special meal
  • Allowed to pre-board to wipe down your seating area. Passengers must bring their own wipes
  • When boarding, you must inform the Cabin Crew of your severe peanut or tree nut allergy. If you request it, Cabin Crew will make an announcement so that other passengers are aware of your allergy. Cabin Crew will suspend the serving of loose nut snacks in your cabin of travel.


11. Qantas

  • On the face of it, Qantas seems as though it should be higher on this list, since Qantas claims to have eliminated peanuts as a bar snack on all flights and in all airport lounges, and to have minimized the use of peanuts in in-flight meals.
  • Qantas used to provide “an extensive range of special meals inflight that are specifically designed not to include peanuts or other nuts, or products of peanuts or other nuts in the preparation of the meal,” however this has changed; current policy is “Qantas no longer guarantees ‘allergy’ free meals.  Customers with allergies should select a suitable alternative from the standard dietary required meal list.
  • Our dietary required meals do not contain peanuts. With the exception of VGML, our dietary required meals also do not contain tree nuts and nut derivatives. However, we cannot guarantee that the environment in which the meals are prepared in is completely nut free.
  • Reader Max relates recent experience with Qantas: “they do not provide an ingredient list for dietary required meals. An example from a year ago, on their direct 17h flight from the UK to Aus the Jain Veg meal was ordered in advance, a vegetable Korma was provided – a Korma is normally made with almonds/cashews, and with no ingredients list that risk was not going to be taken. Essentially with the potential nutty provided meal and nut-filled snacks, for 17 hours all that could be eaten was a few pieces of fruit and rice crackers. After this experience, we always bring our own food now and do not bother with special meals.”
  • Similarly, Anthony wrote “…Qantas says they avoid putting nuts in all meals, however when we boarded we noticed a satay on the menu. Made with peanuts and topped with cashews and shellfish. I had called in advance and again days before the flight.”
  • There was also a recent incident reported in Australia of a teacher who had advised Qantas months before her flight of her nut allergy, and had written confirmation that no nuts would be served on board, only to encounter cabin staff who claimed they had no notes on her allergy, and would serve almonds anyway. So Qantas appears to have a disconnect between what it says it will do, and what cabin staff actually do, when it comes to passenger allergies.



Worst Airlines for Peanut and Nut Allergies

1. Qatar Airways

Qatar is unfortunately one of the most nut allergy-unfriendly airlines:

  • No announcement is made for the passenger with an allergy either at the boarding gate or on board
  • Qatar Airways does not have a special meal that is peanut-free or nut-free, and advises passengers with severe food allergies to bring their own food that does not require refrigeration or reheating
  • Qatar Airways also requires a Waiver of Liability for allergies and Medical Information Form for severe allergies to be filed at least 48 hours prior to the flight. So not only does the airline not do anything for those with peanut or nut allergies, it creates a lot of paperwork for them as well, to ensure the airline is free of any potential liability.


2. Turkish Airlines

  • Turkish Airlines does say it will provide a special meal for a passenger with a nut allergy, if notified at least 48 hours before the flight.
  • Unfortunately, the lived experience of several passengers with severe nut or peanut allergies has been that they are thrown off their flights even after having alerted Turkish Airlines of their allergies in advance. See Nut Allergy? Don't Fly Turkish Airlines
  • Additionally, for native English speakers, there's greater potential for misunderstanding and language confusion on Turkish Airlines than on most European carriers or airlines such as Singapore Airlines or Cathay Pacific.


3. Emirates Airlines

  • Nuts are served on all Emirates flights, either as a meal ingredient or as an accompaniment to drinks
  • Emirates cannot guarantee peanut-free meals and does not provide nut-free meals–you should bring your own meal on board if you have a peanut allergy.
  • Other passengers may also bring food onboard that could contain nuts
  • Emirates accepts no responsibility for any allergic reaction you may suffer while on board
  • Recently a reality TV star, Jack Fowler, suffered an anaphylactic reaction on an Emirates flight after he was given a chicken dish that contained cashews. He'd already informed the cabin crew multiple times of his life-threatening nut allergy, and had been assured each time that there were “no nuts” in the chicken dish he selected. Yet as soon as he tasted it, his throat started closing up and he couldn't breathe. He had to self-administer his EpiPen, and informed the crew that “if you don't land soon, I will die on this plane.”
  • If you have a severe nut allergy and are flying Emirates or any other Middle Eastern airline, we highly recommend bringing your own food.


4. Etihad Airlines

  • Nuts may be served on their own or be present as an ingredient in in-flight meals. Etihad does not guarantee a peanut-free environment or peanut-free meals on board
  • It is possible that traces of peanuts or their derivatives could be in the cabin or the aircraft air conditioning
  • Passengers with severe nut allergies should bring their own food. Cabin crew will be happy to warm your meal for you.


5. American Airlines


6. Hawaiian Airlines

  • Any meals/snacks onboard may contain nuts or peanuts and passengers may bring their own nuts or peanuts on board
  • No allergen-free meals available, and no buffer zones provided
  • May pre-board to sanitize immediate seating area


7. Alaska Airlines

  • No nut-free meals provided; meals in First Class and meals available for purchase in the Main cabin can contain nuts and/or peanuts
  • May pre-board to sanitize immediate seating area


8. Cathay Pacific Airlines

  • Cathay Pacific does NOT provide peanut-free or tree nut-free special meals, and cannot guarantee cross-contamination of peanuts and/or tree nuts with in-flight catering. Allergic passengers should bring their own meals that do not require chilling or pre-heating.
  • Cathay Pacific cannot prevent passengers from bringing their own peanut / tree nut products on board, and cannot insist they do not open or eat them.
  • Passengers with a severe peanut or tree nut allergy should submit a Physician's Statement: Peanut and Tree Nut Allergy at least 72 hours in advance to attest to their ability to fly despite Cathay's inability to provide a peanut/nut-free cabin, and to request a peanut or nut-free snack as applicable for the passenger and all other passengers in the same class of service
  • Cathay Pacific cannot make general announcements requesting other passengers refrain from consuming peanuts or tree nuts.
  • Passengers with documented peanut and/or tree nut allergies can, subject to operational limitation, request priority boarding and bring their own cleaning wipes to wipe down their seating area.


9. United Airlines

  • In 2022, a United flight to Singapore diverted to Hawaii due to an anaphylactic peanut allergy, and a passenger has filed a DOT complaint of discrimination, as she was kicked off a United flight after disclosing her tree nut allergy
  • United no longer serves pre-packaged peanuts on its flights, but meals and snacks can contain other nuts and there can be cross-contamination with nuts and peanuts. No peanut-free or nut-free special meal is available.
  • United offers to have flight crew create a buffer zone: “If you have a severe food allergy and are traveling on a flight please notify a flight attendant on board the aircraft that you request an allergy buffer zone so we can attempt to notify customers seated nearby to refrain from eating any allergen-containing products they may have brought on board. Please understand that we cannot prevent any customer from eating the products they have brought on board.”


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Mary Morgan
Mary Morgan
6 years ago

Please add Easyjet and Virgin Atlantic to your positive list as they are both really helpful to peanut allergy sufferers. I usually travel within Europe on Easyjet and find they are brilliant regarding my peanut allergy. Its easy to declare when booking online then as I board I alert the crew and they will not serve their one peanut snack plus they make an announcement. I travelled 18 months ago to Australia from UK using 3 different airlines unaware beforehand that all airlines are not so helpful! Virgin Atlantic are great and now have a policy not to serve any… Read more »

6 years ago

Hi. I flew a return trip on British Airways in 2015 JFK—> LHR. I called the airline upon booking to inform them that I have an airborne peanut and nut allergy. They explained that there was no nut free meal or snacks they could provide and they couldn’t stop people from bringing nuts on to the flight. I explained that my airborne allergy is triggered by heat, that’s when the enzymes are dispersed. The representative said they do not serve any hot meals containing nuts, just snacks. And that they could set up a buffer zone upon boarding the plane.… Read more »

6 years ago

Thank you for the suggestions and information. So sorry that you struggle with animal allergens.
FYI I had been advised by BA and American to avoid booking the front of economy because of its proximity to business class where they serve nuts. : /

I wish they would make flying more allergen friendly.

It’s literally not going to kill anyone if they don’t have nuts on their flight, but it could kill me. I wish airlines would understand that.

jan collins
jan collins
1 year ago

I flew first class from London to Australia on British Airways. alerting at booking that I had nut allergies. I was escorted onto the plane by staff who notified all the cabin crew about my deadly nut allergy. She came back after her discussion to inform me that all the crew knew about my allergy, and that I would be safe…. so off we took. It was dark. Dinner was served. What was put in front of me was sate. I went to try the first bite, not seeing clearly because the lights were dim but realised when the strong… Read more »

John Smith
John Smith
4 months ago
Reply to  jan collins

I wonder if the food on airlines were not halal meat,what would happen,

Haidee Lim
Haidee Lim
6 years ago

It would be good to get an update as some of these airlines may have experienced near fatality recently from anaphylaxis and may have changed their mind about the risk of peanuts and treenuts in fights .
I was looking in particular for Singapore airline for which there was news in the last year or 2 that they no longer will serve nuts after a boy had anaphylaxis in one of their flights.

5 years ago

Thank you for this article. We just returned from the US on Qantas. My daughter has a peanut allergy so the crew refused to give her anything to eat apart from apples! When we flew with Qantas a couple of years ago they were really helpful, however their response now is that ‘she’s better off not eating”!

5 years ago

Hello! I will be flying to Sydney from Boston in a couple months. I was thinking of taking New Zealand Air since I heard they do not serve any peanuts on board. I have severe nut allergies and allergies to gluten and soy as well so I will 100% not be eating any plane food. Does anyone have any recommendations on food to bring with me for 20+ hours of flying? I would greatly appreciate any recommendations 🙂

5 years ago

My son has a tree nut allergy but it is only if he eats tree nuts. While we are comfortable with most snacks, and can look at a label, we are traveling internationally for the first time soon and cannot determine if the meals have tree nuts or not. We are on Delta. While they have indicated he has an allergy (and we need to let flight attendant know), is there any way to know if a meal is tree nut free or do we just need to get him a separate dinner? Any advice appreciated.

5 years ago

Wondering if you have any experience with EVA (Taiwan airline) from Heathrow to Taipei as we’re due to fly business class with them in a few weeks. My eldest now 13 is anaphylatic to ingesting peanuts. We have flown many times long haul from NZ to UK via various countries with numerous airlines and have never declared his allergy or suffered a reaction. Only had an epi-pen for past 6 years. Only had to use epi-pen once (accidentally ate a bar that was 45% peanuts!). We have never been concerned over cross-contamination from peanuts during food manufacturing. No reactions to… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Samantha

Have you taken your EVA flight yet? Do they serve bags of peanuts? I hope they don’t do that at least. I understand if they can’t stop others from eating snacks they brought with them. My son always eats his own food and never eat airline food.

Michael Stroh
Michael Stroh
5 years ago

We do a substantial amount of cross-country travel within the states and Delta is hands-down the best with regard to our daughter’s peanut allergy. Even when we buy the cheapest tickets, they still have us all travelling together, let us on early to wipe down the seats, and make the announcement that they have a passenger on board with a peanut allergy. And they are ALWAYS extremely good about any of it. Still, it’s amazing the groans you hear from people, as if they cannot live for 5 hours without peanuts! The buffer zones on other airlines are lousy in… Read more »

anthony burns
anthony burns
5 years ago

I’d like to add to this. My partner and myself spent 2 years preparing for a holiday. In short qantas says they avoid putting nuts in all meals, however when we boarded we noticed a satay on the menu. Made with peanuts and topped with cashews and shellfish. I had called 2 years and again days before the flight. My partner reacts to the airborne particles, we had to cancel our trip.

anthony burns
anthony burns
5 years ago

Thanks for your support. I did keep it short. I could have ranted for pages. Qantas care also said they would refund verbally, I asked for it in writing. When I receive the email it just says to go though my travel agent. I did and the claim was rejected. When I went back to customer care, they said the person had misspoken and I would not be receiving a refund. It’s so unprofessional, worst of all the policy still remains unchanged. I was also told but customer care they gave nuts in their snack pretzels. Even though the policy… Read more »

avital yarm
avital yarm
4 years ago

whatever you do, DO NOT fly Austrian or Swiss with this allergy; they are not allergy friendly at all and candidly hand out mixed nuts in business class, swiss hand out nut based chocolate as a snack and moreover their staff will refuse to create a buffer zone for you. Stay well away from these airlines with this allergy.

dolores fernandez
dolores fernandez
3 years ago

What about CAT allergies??? 10% of humans are allergic to cats- a far greater percentage than peanuts. Do any airlines completely ban cabin cats- that is who I want to fly.

1 year ago

I had the exact same experiance on Qantas with a peanut allergy and Satay. Luckily I read the menu before we took off and was unloaded from the flight. Unfortunately the Qanats customer service was appalling. Air New Zealand stepped in to save the day.

1 year ago

Honestly, I had the best experience with Turkish Airlines. The check in at terminal employee aside, the flight team was super helpful and offered allergy friendly meal and made sure no peanut or nuts were served. At the time, my little girl was 15 months old so I came prepped with her own foods but they still had a meal ready for her free of eggs and peanuts.

7 months ago

Firstly, thank you for these lists Hilary, very useful. I would like to provide our experience on Qantas, as we recently moved to Australia and now flying semi-regularly with them, we have found they are not nut-friendly. They may not serve bags of peanuts, but they have just substituted these for others like almonds. Alongside that on requesting special meals that on their website say ‘does not contain peanuts, tree nuts or nut products’, they do not provide an ingredient list for dietary required meals. An example from a year ago, on their direct 17h flight from the UK to… Read more »