Mystic Mountain Bobsled and Zipline Review, Jamaica

This Mystic Mountain Bobsled and Zipline Review is part of a Jamaica trip report including reviews of Jamaican all inclusive resorts, restaurant reviews, and things to do in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Here are the prior posts:

Couples Sans Souci Jamaica All Inclusive Resort Review

Eight Rivers Restaurant Review, Couples Tower Isle in Jamaica

Couples Tower Isle Review, Ocho Rios, Jamaica

As part of my visit to Jamaica and Couples Tower Isle, we went to Mystic Mountain, an adventure park with a sky tram over the trees, bobsled ride and ziplining. There's also a small water slide and infinity pool, plus a visitor center with interesting exhibits on Jamaica's history and its most famous personalities.

We arrived in the afternoon, and the entrance itself is peaceful and idyllic:

Mystic Mountain Bobsled and Zipline Review, Jamaica

After getting our tickets, we walked over to the sky tram, which operates just like a ski lift but is more scenic than most.


Check out the stunning ocean view:

Mystic Mountain Bobsled and Zipline Review, Jamaica - Ocean View from Sky Tram

We arrived by a grassy lawn, with the visitor center in front of us, the bobsled to the left, and ziplining to the right. We spent a few moments looking at some of Jamaica's most famous exports, from Jamaican Rum to Bob Marley:

Mystic Mountain Bobsled and Zipline Review, Jamaica


Then it was time for the bobsled ride. To be honest, I at first didn't want to go, as I envisioned a real bobsled and was reminded of the Olympic athlete who died in the last Winter Olympics. Fortunately, this bobsled ride is actually on a rail, and while it goes fast enough to be thrilling, it fortunately doesn't go upside down. Here's a quick video I took:

After the bobsled, we took a peek at the small but lovely Hummingbird Garden. I'd no idea that there were so many types of hummingbirds, including some species indigenous only to Jamaica. Amazing trivia fact: hummingbirds can learn to distinguish among people. Now, how many people could distinguish one hummingbird from another?

Mystic Mountain Bobsled and Zipline Review - Hummingbird Garden

Next it was time for some ziplining fun. I'll add a brief video soon, but here's the free fall and bridge between a couple of the zip lines:

Mystic Mountain Bobsled and Zipline Review - Free Fall

The nice thing about this ziplining experience is that you don't have to brake yourself; there's always one staff person at the platform you're starting from and one waiting for you (and braking you) at the other end. Because of this safety feature, kids as young as 7 can zipline here. Good news for all of you with adventurous kiddos! 

Then it was time to catch the sky tram for our return, again with fantastic views.

Mystic Mountain Bobsled and Zipline Review Jamaica - Sky Tram

The Verdict: Mystic Mountain is a fun excursion if you're even slightly adventurous, or even if you just enjoy great views. It's a great way to spend a couple hours in Jamaica, for a change of pace from the beach and water sports. That said, it's not cheap: while I was hosted by Couples Resorts, the regular adult price is $137.50  for all three (aerial tram, bobsled and zipline) and children 5-12 are $115 for all three. I'd definitely recommend seeing if you can find a discount code if you decide to go; you could follow Mystic Mountain on Twitter @MysticBobsled to be alerted to discounts.

Disclosure: I was a guest of Couples Resorts, however the views expressed in this post are my own.

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