Which Credit Cards Issue an Instant Card Number After Approval? If you've completed minimum spend on your existing credit cards and have some significant purchases to make online, it's good to know which credit cards are likely to issue you a card number online, upon approval, so that you don't have to wait for the physical card to arrive in the mail. Since this is a luxury travel site, I've focused my answer below on travel rewards cards.
American Express
AMEX is perhaps the best known issuer that often (although not always) provides the option of receiving your card details online after being instantly approved. Note that typically you'll already need to have an AMEX account, so this option may not be presented if this is your first AMEX card.
If you are given the option, the process will be something like this:
1. You'll Be Asked If You'd Like to Receive Your Card Number Now
2. Confirm Your Identity with a Security Question or Other Verification
You'll be given a choice of three ways to verify your identity; 1) a security question you've created in the past with AMEX; 2) the CCV for an existing AMEX card; or 3) receiving a security code via voice call or text.
3. Agree to Electronic Disclosures
You'll need to agree to receive electronic disclosures:
4. Consent to Card Member Agreement
You'll also need to consent to the card member agreement. Once you do, you'll be able to click on a button to view your new card details, which will be available to you for 3 minutes to either write down or print. It will have the full card number, expiration date and 4 digit security code.
Since we have already successfully used the card for non-Delta purchases, I can attest that you do NOT need to restrict your spend to the co-brand issuer, at least in the case of Delta AMEX cards.
I personally haven't had the option of receiving Citi card details after instant approval, but wish I had for my most recent Citi AAdvantage cards, since they took a long time to arrive. But I have heard that some applicants with other existing Citi credit cards and preferably, a Citi bank account, have been able to obtain a card number after instant approval, specifically for Citi AAdvantage cards, Citi AT&T and Citi Costco cards (but if you're focused on travel, the only really relevant ones are the Citi AAdvantage cards).
Bank of America
For Bank of America, you may be offered an account number after instant approval online, although my husband and I never were for our Alaska Visas. As with Citi, it may help if you also have a bank account with Bank of America, which we never have.
Note that Chase, arguably the reigning king of travel rewards credit cards, does NOT offer an instant account number, even if you are instantly approved online. Fortunately it can be possible to get reps to expedite Chase cards.
What's your experience in being offered an instant card number after being approved online by AMEX, Citi or Bank of America?
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