8/27/24 Update
Over the pandemic and its aftermath we've used around 12 vials of Enovid during various trips, with good results. In summer 2024, we also had occasion to use it after getting covid, and it seemed to lessen symptoms; it may have also sped recovery. For example, our teen unfortunately contracted covid while in a sleepaway camp, which tested all campers and required a move to a covid isolation dorm for those testing positive. Fortunately, by day 5, he'd tested negative and was able to move back to the regular dorms.
On a separate occasion this summer, after London travel (and very sporadic Enovid usage–I should have used it more diligently) I contracted covid. I used it 5-6 times per day as directed and after one day of feeling achy and tired, my only symptom was a sore throat, which went away by day 4.
Our Enovid Covid nasal spray review is based on our use of the product over the past month, both in the U.S. and while traveling in Europe. As we wrote in Where are the COVID-19 Nasal Sprays, there's a gap in the tool arsenal against Covid-19 that we have available in the U.S. This might sound odd, since we've had face masks since early in the pandemic, then mRNA vaccines that are highly effective against serious illness and death, and now Paxlovid as an oral antiviral medication to be taken within five days of developing symptoms. But the gap is prophylactic, since sometimes it's not possible to wear an N95 or KF94 face mask in all situations, for example a long plane flight or time in an airport, when you need to drink or eat something. Enter the Enovid nasal spray made in Israel and invented by Canadian company SaNOtize, which uses nitric oxide to destroy the virus and prevent viral replication.
Buying Enovid
We bought our vials of Enovid from Israel Pharm, which charges $50 per 25 ml. bottle when buying 4 or more vials. Each bottle is said to contain a 1 month supply, and that was accurate for us when using as directed, spraying twice in each nostril twice a day. The shipment took about one week to reach us from Israel.
Using Enovid
I won't pretend that it's very pleasant using the product, as there's a slight stinging sensation when using as directed (slightly inhaling when spraying each nostril). The stinging is temporary, just for a few seconds. Our son doesn't like it, although he tolerates it.
So Far COVID Negative
While it could be luck, we've remained negative for Covid while using the product, even while in Denmark, where we did have some meals indoors and were in relatively crowded areas such as Tivoli. No one in Denmark, apart from a few foreigners, was wearing face masks during our visit. We were especially focused on not becoming infected with Covid because our son had to test negative before attending a summer camp, which he did. We can't prove it, but we suspect our family's use of Enovid helped his odds.
If you've used Enovid or another COVID-19 nasal spray, what was your experience?
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We’re cautiously optimistic about Enovid! Trying it out for some riskier activities (we’re still quite cautious but want our kids to have birthday parties, play sports, etc.) at home and then looking to use it as a tool to re-enter the world of international travel. Do you mind if I ask what your regimen is/was? Did you vary your dosing for home vs. abroad?
We used Enovid 2-3 times per day as directed (two sprays in each nostril) when we were traveling internationally, although now that we’re back in the U.S. we only use it once a day if that (our typical days at home involve very little risk, as we don’t dine indoors and wear a mask when we’re inside a grocery store or other shop). Hope Enovid is helpful to you and your family!
The instructions say 5x a day if you’ve been exposed. But it doesn’t say how many days people would have to continue taking it 5x a day. Do you know? Wondering about using it when I have doctor’s appointments…
In a Thai study of Enovid participants used it at least 4X per day for 10 days, so if you think you were exposed, a 10 day regimen of 5x per day could be prudent.
I’ve been considering using it for my kiddo but feel nervous. US pediatrician had of course never heard of it. Can I ask about your decision making process on using it for kids, as instructions say for 13 and up? I so desperately want to keep my kiddo protected during this upcoming school year in the midst of viral blizzard! Thank you 🙏
Gigi, let me first say that I’m not a doctor, so I’m only commenting as a parent and Enovid user, I’m not providing medical advice. Our son is 14, so he’s already in the target user range. In deciding to use it for our family, I relied on the positive results of this UK study, the approval and sale of Enovid in Israel, and a Phase 3 trial being conducted in Canada. A more recent Phase 3 study shows a 99% reduction of viral load within 48 hours. There can be a stinging sensation and you do have to inhale… Read more »
Thank you for this info! It’s so hard to make the best choices to protect our kids, so I do appreciate your insight!
Hi Hilary,
I wondered if an adult could use this and Paxlovid (if Covid+) simultaneously?
Luanne, I would think so, and I don’t see it mentioned in the potential drug interactions of the Paxlovid fact sheet, but I recommend checking with the doctor who prescribes Paxlovid to you. Just note that if you’ve already been using Enovid nasal spray prophylactically you may not test positive for COVID-19 using nasal swabs, as Enovid does such a good job with reducing if not eliminating covid viral load in the nose.
Do you think It is dangerous to use a new bottle beyond the expiration date of 1 month?
Andrea, great question. I reached out to SaNotize directly with this question, and received the following response: “Testing done to date suggests the bottle may be safely and effectively used for 60 days after first opening and using. This will be represented on our future packaging.”
Thanks so much for that info – I was surfing the web trying to find this out, as I have one I opened about 6 weeks ago for a big wedding that I was in, and want to use it again before visiting with some older family members. I have thus far only used it when I’m going to be around a lot of people (which I’m usually not) so I still have a lot left from my first bottle, and would hate to waste it and open my 2nd (I bought a 2pack) if the original is still good.
Sanotize recently increased open bottle life from 30 to 60 days, and unopened bottle shelf life to 24 months. It’s on their FAQ.
How long before a PCR would you “pause” your Enovid doses to guarantee accuracy? (This is after a known exposure unfortunately 🙁
I wish I had an answer. As an anecdotal datapoint, I tested negative on a PCR test about 3 days after I stopped using Enovid even though I’m quite sure that I had covid based on a very severe reaction that quite suddenly occurred and then just as suddenly dissipated about 3 days later. So the reduction in viral load in the nose, at least in some people, could make an accurate diagnosis with a PCR test difficult even after stopping Enovid. Hope that you avoid infection or at least don’t have severe symptoms.
I guess if you do a mouth swab as well as the nasal, you might still pick up a positive result?
Actually, to update my response above, the problem may have been a simple false negative with my lab administered PCR test, since there are false negatives even with PCR tests. Per SaNOtize, the maker of Enovid, PCR tests should detect COVID-19 even when using Enovid, since “the tests just demonstrate the presence of an individual (virus). If enovid has been used and a nasal swab is tested immediately after dosing, although the virus is inactivated, it will still produce a positive test. Even if all of the virus is inactivated.” See the FAQ
Does anyone know how well this works against the Ba.4 and five variants?
The Sanotize FAQ notes that it’s effective against all variants: “In multiple laboratory experiments, nitric oxide (NO) released from SaNOtize’s nasal spray formulation inactivated more than 99.9% of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 isolates) to below the limit of detection, quickly for all variants, typically within two minutes of contact.”
Does the free shipping apply internationally, like to the US? The pharmacy requires an ID number, such as SSN, Medicare, passport, drivers license. That doesn’t sound safe to me. Is it?
Yes, we weren’t charged shipping when we met the minimum spend. We used our driver’s license; frankly we have to provide ID even at our local pharmacy when buying certain medication such as Sudafed/pseudoephedrine, as many states require ID before dispensing certain drugs.
Was delivery fast. We live in Australia, have just placed an order. We cruise in 17 days time.
When we ordered in June, it took 4 days for delivery to us in California from Israel, but not sure how long it will take to Australia. You should have received a link in your confirmation email that enables you to track the shipment. Hope you receive it before your cruise.
was super quick for me (melb). I think 5 days? Couldn’t believe it, actually.
Thanks for sharing your experience, great to hear shipping was so fast to Australia. Our most recent shipment, again to California, took a bit longer, at 6 days, but still not bad at all given the distance.
I’ve used it prophylactically for a year after my first infection. So far no second infection. I am worried about repeated use of this however because I notice that sometimes after I spray, it makes me cough. So maybe its going into the lungs? I’m no doctor but i’m not sure if spraying something in your nose everyday can cause lung damage? Enovid themselves say its safe to use daily.
I used this when I had covid over xmas. My symtoms(headache) did go away the same day I used it. I then used as directed 5 times a day for 10 days. I was still testing positive after 10 days, but I hardly had any symptoms through the whole time I used it, just a runny nose sometimes and cough now and again. I was unvaccinated and it was the first time I had caught covid so I have no idea if it made much difference, as I am in a low risk category. I would probably not take it… Read more »
My family has used Enovid for the past 2 years, and it has been very effective in warding off viral infections. When necessary, especially during travel we’ve used the spray 2-3 times per day. Enovid does a wonderful job of reducing if not eliminating covid viral loads and we would highly recommend this product.
Hello, I purchased Enovid but my husband is concerned with side effects. Has anyone experienced any side effects that would deter you from using this product. T
I replied to one specific person by mistake.
I would love any feedback on side effects from this Enovid. I am excited to have it on hand but my husband is concerned because he has read about possible side effects. Does anyone have anything to share either way?
Thank you so much,
Lisa, our family of three has used Enovid while traveling for the past year and a half or so with no side effects. Our teen doesn’t like it because of the momentary stinging sensation of the spray, but that only lasts a few seconds. SaNOtize does state: “if you experience reactions such as headache, nosebleed, or a persistent nasal burning sensation (that is, continues for > 5 minutes after each administration or is not tolerated), to discontinue using the product immediately. If symptoms persist, consult your Healthcare Provider.” We haven’t personally experienced any of these, but perhaps other users will… Read more »
Thank you, Hilary. I appreciate the feedback and information. I am also curious…do you each have your own bottle or can a bottle be shared by more than one person?
We usually each have our own bottle; in case one person becomes infected, you don’t want to infect the other. And even with your own bottle, we recommend wiping down the nozzle with a disinfectant wipe before and after each use.