What is Medjet Medical Transport and Why Might You Want It? One of our TravelSort clients wondered why he should consider Medjet coverage, since he has a Chase Sapphire Reserve that includes Emergency Evacuation and Transportation up to $100,000 as one of its benefits.
There are three main reasons:
1. Emergency Evacuation Can Cost Much More Than $100,000
Depending on where you are, where you need to get to, and the medical care needed on board, medical jet transport can cost much more than $100,000. A Medjet annual plan for domestic and international travel for an individual under 75 costs <$300 at time of writing, and <$400 for a family, a worthwhile investment given that there are no co-pays or deductibles if you do need the service.
2. Credit Card Emergency Evacuation Must Be Approved by the Benefits Administrator
Note that all credit card company emergency evacuation must be approved by the benefits administrator, and typically there's a clause that says it's not covered it it's deemed “not medically necessary as determined by the Company.”
While Medjet isn't for minor lesions or sprains or things that don't interfere with your ability to travel, there's far greater leeway for you to use the Medjet service to get back home to your preferred hospital in the U.S. or Canada, depending on where you're resident. You don't have to stay at the hospital that initially admitted you, even if that hospital could provide adequate care. It's your choice to use your Medjet membership to get back to the best hospital near your home where you prefer to receive care. You just have to be medically stable enough to be transported.
3. Companion Can Accompany You Home
In the case of a Medjet aircraft, a traveling companion can accompany you, provided there's space (note that there usually isn't room for any luggage apart from small cabin-size bags). Or if you're able to be flown in commercial aircraft, your flight will be in business class or first class, and your companion's will be in economy.
With most credit card emergency evacuation, it will only cover your own evacuation, not your companion's (with an exception for accompanying minors).
What About COVID-19?
Medjet does cover coronavirus transport from anywhere in the 48 contiguous United States, Canada, the Caribbean, Costa Rica, and Mexico. Note, though, that no family members are permitted with the member, the receiving hospital must agree to accept the patient (this could be an issue currently with the surges in many areas of the U.S.) and Medjet is bound by the quarantine rules of entities exercising jurisdiction. That is, if a hospital, government or any other regulatory entity isn't allowing you to be transferred, Medjet can't get you out.
But in places such as the Bahamas, where, if you test positive for COVID-19 anytime while on the island, there is the option to “leave the destination via approved medical transportation,” so Medjet would qualify, and be a way of avoiding the expense of quarantining at their booked hotel.
Bottom line, for anyone who cares about being able to get home to a preferred hospital, rather than being treated at whichever hospital they're admitted to should they encounter a medical emergency while traveling, we recommend Medjet.
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