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James Caso
James Caso
7 years ago

There is no definitive 5/24 info on the new Chase Iberia CC? Is it like the BA and Hyatt with no 5/24 restrictions or like the United & Southwest?

6 years ago

where is the lounge at the koln airport

Liz C.
Liz C.
5 years ago

Do you have a recommended alternative to Hibistat Wipes, I understand they have been discontinued.
Thank you.

Liz C.
Liz C.
5 years ago

Hilary, thanks you, I thought I was missing something. It sounds like the Hibiclens is not really a good alternative. I agree,yes soap and water and maybe use regular Clorox wipes on surfaces as needed. Thanks so much for your quick reply!

3 years ago

Please note that RT-PCR testing for Dr. Bradley Connor was moved from 1285 2nd Avenue to 110 East 55th Street, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10022.

Diana Knox
Diana Knox
2 years ago

can you tell me if you know of luxury beach vacations still available for Dec 25 to 30?

2 years ago

Hi Hilary, my flight from HKG to LHR (one way) was unfortunately cancelled by Virgin, and they have since scrapped the route. I’ve transferred amex points to purchase this and now I am stuck with virgin points, and having to rebook flights. Virgin offered to contact KLM or their partner airlines but we have not heard back. We are trying to contact amex now (are plat members) to at least get the points reversed, anything else you recommend we should do? It is also near impossible to find a reasonable route via redemption on this route right as we are… Read more »